Thursday, December 28, 2006

Some things are worth waiting for...

So the one thing I had hoped would be possible from the UK has come to me.
Gina and I are still planning on seeing the States before we head home to SA and the Rand, and one of the things I was going to arrange was that we go to see Dave Matthews Band live wherever we were in the US. I was quite happy to change our dates, schedule, timings anything in order to catch a concert.
I could not begin to tell you my delight therefore when I found that the man and his awesome band is going to be performing in London! The weirdest thing is that I have found only ONE, yes ONE, person in the UK who has even heard of Dave Matthews, let alone likes the music. I had given up on any dream that he would tour the UK.
So here are the little pieces of gold:

I am a happy man.

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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Its Christma-a-a-s

Merriest Christmas everybody!
I really don't feel very Christmassy this year, I dunno why. we've got the whole tree thing going, loads of prezzies under the tree, we'll be visiting two families on the day (neither ours cos we live too far away), but I still quite feel there.
Gina says that 'there' is what Hollywood tells us it should be, and if I keep worrying about not feeling like Christmas... i won't. Wise woman that!
We're off to church soon for our midnight mass... good ol' Anglicans! Should be fun
Here's a bit of our tree for you all to share!
merriest merriest to you and yours

Monday, December 04, 2006

Madam & Eve do same-sex marriage

Hee hee, I just love these guys